

The Greater Columbia Music Teachers Association (GCMTA) welcomes students and their families and friends to the new school year of recitals, festivals, and competitions. We want our events to be a source of enjoyment for all who attend. We are fortunate to have some of our events at Christ Episcopal Church, Christ Memorial Presbyterian Church, and in private studios. Please observe the following:

1. No food, drinks, gum, crayons, coloring books, magic markers, felt tip pens or electric games may be brought into the performance space. Cell phones and beepers must be turned off.

2. No pictures should be taken during an event. Video cameras are acceptable because they do not use a flash, but please take out equipment before the event begins and video only your own child. Flash pictures may be taken after the recital .

3. Children may not play with toys on the floor because it is a distraction.

4. It is distracting for performing students when young children and babies are out of control. If younger siblings cannot be contained they should be left at home. Please take children out if there is a problem during the event. Generally children under six should not attend public performances.

5. Parents are asked to supervise younger children at all times, ensuring their safety as well as respect for the property. When younger children use the restroom, please have an adult in attendance.

6. If you must leave the performance area for any reason, please do so between performances.

7. Performers should arrive 10 minutes prior to starting time and check in with the chair or monitor.

8. Performers should dress well. Casual dress (jeans, shorts, T shirts) is not appropriate.

9. GCMTA recitals are generally scheduled to be less than one hour in length. Please remain for the duration of the recital. All students deserve a full audience.

10. The performing order of students will not be changed once the programs have been typed. Please do not ask to play first in order to leave early.

11. Students should bow after performing, to acknowledge applause.

12. Students who will not be present for the entire “recital” will be allowed to play and will receive their critique (as applicable) but will not be eligible for an award.


1.  Teachers need to prepare a separate recital slip for each performer, using photocopies of the sample recital form in this handbook. Please list composers’ first name or initial and last name.

2.  Please adhere to deadlines. If you wish to deliver your entries, please check with the chair to be sure that this is convenient.

3.  Performers should arrive 10-15 minutes prior to the performance and report to the chair.

4.  While members may choose not to require memorization in their private studio recitals, solo pianists are required to perform from memory in GCMTA recitals. Memory is optional for other performers, i.e. piano ensemble or instrumentalists. Photocopies are not allowed.

5.  Recital etiquette is the responsibility of the teacher. Please inform parents and students about:

  •  bowing
  • remaining silent during the performance
  • staying until the end of the recital (required to receive Gold Cup Points)
  • leaving during the recital to use a rest room – please leave and return between performances.
  • refraining from using flash cameras during the recital (video cameras are permitted in order to tape your own students, but you must have permission from the family to tape another student)
  • leaving small children and babies at home.

6.  It is recommended that teachers be in attendance when their students are performing to handle any problems. Teachers who must be absent should arrange for another adult to handle any problems which might arise.

7.  Any special needs, such as early or late recital times, should be noted on the entry forms. The chair will try to honor the request, but is under no obligation to do so.

8.  Chairperson has the discretion as to playing order; however, draft programs will go out before the event, and participating teachers must contact the chair within 24 hour of receiving the draft to request any changes including playing order.


1.  Competitions shall be open to the public.

2.  All entry forms should be filled out completely and signed by the teacher and parent before the students may perform. Fees for the event must be turned in by the teachers with one check. Do not turn in individual checks or cash from the parents.

3.  Literature may be changed provided the literature conforms to competition requirements and does not exceed the original estimated time. The chair must be notified three days in advance and there will be a $2.00 late fee per student. Exact timings are necessary for each piece to allow for the scheduling of judges. Teachers are responsible for accuracy and completeness of application forms.

4.  Music should be in original form. Photocopies for judges are not allowed.  No arrangements or abbreviations of classics may be used. Concert transcriptions such as Bach/Hess “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” may be used with clearance from the chair. The chair of the event, using Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians for reference, is responsible for deciding if the literature is appropriate for the event. The decision of the chair is final.

5.  Judges’ decisions are final. Criteria for judging is a “polished performance.”

6.  All music must be memorized with the exception of complicated 20th century avant-garde compositions which need to be cleared with the chair. The chair of the event, using Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians for reference, is responsible for deciding if the literature is appropriate for the event. The decision of the chair is final.

7.  Teachers may accompany their own students.

8.  Teachers should avoid speaking to judges until the close of the judging day . Problems should be referred to the monitor or the chair. Teachers should not sit with, talk to, or acknowledge in any way students or parents until after the announcement of winners.

9.  Teachers are responsible for picking up critiques, certificates and plaques after the competitions. Because of the expense, none will be mailed.

10.  Students must bring a copy of the music for the judges. Neither the student’s, parent’s nor teacher’s name should be visible on the music provided to the judge. We ask the teachers and students to honor the copyright laws.

11.  Please read your e-mail or newsletters for any updates or changes.

12.  Students may enter any event non-competitively for a critique.

13.  There will be a time limit of eight minutes for students age 11 and under, and twelve minutes for those 12 and above.

14.  First place winners may enter only non-competitively the following year.

15.  Note: Students who will not be present for the entire “recital” will be allowed to play and will receive their critique (as applicable) but will not be eligible for an award.

To download and then print these guidelines, use the icons at the bottom of the pdf below:

Click for Student and Parent Guidelines

Click for Competition Guidelines

Click for Recital Guidelines